Orientation BOOKLET for FILIPINOS IN germany
Are you new in Germany?
A free orientation booklet containing practical tips and information for newcomers and settlers in Germany is available for you. Information on residence permit, filling-up bank SEPA forms, scholarship sites, useful web links, basic German words, "do's and don'ts" and many other information about integrating in Germany may be found in this quick guide. Long-term residents in Germany also find the booklet a useful source of updated information. This reference booklet was custom-made for Filipino migrants, but most of the contents would also be useful for all newly-arrived migrants in Germany. Visiting scholars, professors, scientists, diplomats and usual visitors would also benefit from the compact information in the booklet. The “Orientation Booklet for Filipinos in Germany” was initially launched in 2014 in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Philippine-German diplomatic relations. This pocket-size (A6) information booklet contains information about Germany based on current references and personal experience of the authors. The 2nd digital edition has been shared online since March 06, 2016. In cooperation with LBC Express GmbH, printed copies of the booklets have been produced and will be turned-over to the Philippine Embassy in Berlin for distribution to its consulates and clientele. Copies of the booklet will also be shared with churches and organizations hosting Filipino congregations. Feel free to forward this information or post it in your social networks. Permission is granted to print and distribute copies of the booklet for non-profit purposes. To download a free copy of this edition of the booklet, click the download link on this webpage. For any comments/suggestions on the booklet, feel free to email the authors at orientbooklet[at]upaagermany[dot]org. Other useful materials about Germany: Juan01 Guide to Germany - a booklet for nurses produced by the Goethe-Institut Philippinen Films about Germany for Filipinos - produced by the Goethe-Institut Philippinen Tara na sa Germany - An Online Guide for Migrating Filipinos to Germany - by the Goethe Institut Philippinen Make it in Germany - collaborative initiative of different German institutions and other offices Learn German - from Deutsche Welle |
Click the booklet image below to view the 2016 Edition.
Click here to download a free copy of the booklet.
Danke schön! This 2nd edition of the booklet benefited from the help of UPAA Germany e.V. colleagues and friends, especially Dr. Gabriel Kühne, Gerhard Müller, Dr. Helen Samson-Lauterwald, Dr. Thomas Edison dela Cruz, Dr. Roann Ramos, George Vega and Falk Schleicher (Goethe-Institut Philippinen) who provided references, corrections and comments on the booklet. We are also especially grateful to Ambassador Melita Sta. Maria-Thomeczek, Minister and Consul Adrian Cruz, Consul Rona Beth Goce, Cultural Attachée Mylah Rubio, the Philippine Embassy in Berlin, Dr. Nelissa Jamora, Roselle Sazon (LBC Europe), Kirschner Reisen GmbH, all corporate donors and anonymous donors who supported this edition of the booklet. Donations to this booklet project will go to the UPAA Germany e.V. scholarship fund. Special thanks also go to LBC Express GmbH for sponsoring the printing of this edition and making the layout. |
An der Steinlach 20 65474 Bischofsheim, Germany +49 (0)6144 40195(40)-44 +49 (0)6144 4019545 www.lbcexpress.com www.facebook.com/LBCGermany www.twitter.com/lbcexpress |
Project Team: J.Lozano-Kühne, M.R. Juan-Wolff
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