Tour of the GERMAN PARLIAMENT in 2014
Are you interested in visiting the German Parliament in Berlin on May 8, 2014 (Thursday, 5pm - 7pm)?
A tour in English is available on this day. The tour will include a visit of the interesting parts of the modern building, a glimpse on its history and arts and an overview of the work and activities of its offices. Slots are limited, so kindly fill-up the form below not later than December 12, 2013 if you wish to join this free tour. This invitation is also open to non-UPAA members. Important information for tour participants: For security reasons, the Federal Chancellery (Bundeskanzleramt) requires the following information to be submitted several weeks before the tour: Titel, Name, Vornamen, Geburtsdatum, Geburtsort Title, Family name, First name, Birthday, Birthplace e.g. Mr. Dela Cruz, Juan, 1990-01-31, Manila Philippines This information will be treated with confidentiality and will only be used for the purpose of the visit of the Chancellery. Please take note of the attached security advice and map of the meeting point (Treffpunkt). We will meet at the meeting point at 16:45 on the 23rd of January 2014. Please bring your passport or identity card (gültigen Lichtbildausweis). Only those pre-registered visitors with complete information and proper identification will be allowed to go in the Chancellery. Cameras and mobile phones are allowed. However, only up to 100ml of liquids may be brought inside the Chancellery. Security check in the Chancellery is similar to airport security check. Photos of the group may be taken during the tour for use in the UPAA website, newsletter and other documentation. UPAA Germany Project contact person: J.Lozano-Kühne |